
Hi! I'm Adriana Leigh , Founder of ALG Consulting

ALG Newsletter: What is happening this summer/fall!

Published over 1 year ago • 3 min read

Dear Reader

It has been a few months of reflecting & refining since we last connected! Summer feels like a time for this; I am sharing news on what I have been up to, and upcoming offerings.

This is my second (quarterly-ish) newsletter. I also send out monthly articles on linked in you can subscribe to, comment on, and share here!

Please reach out & let me know how you like this newsletter, or what more you want to see!

What's new

This summer it feels like the world has not stopped moving, changing and polarizing. We have to find moments to rest & reflect. I have been integrating rest into my equity work - as a "recovering lawyer" this has been a lifelong challenge! I have also refined popular offerings & sharing thought leadership.

My continued hope is that my work offers guidance & inspiration to build organizations that are caring, safe, and inclusive so all women can thrive.

Workshops in the pipeline

1) Building a culture of respect

Building skills in respectful communication, and developing your team's capacity to address subtle gender bias & harassment is more important than ever.

Those of you who work with me know my workshops go above and beyond basic compliance to build your team's "relational muscles" (while having fun learning about serious issues, yes you can do both)!

In this customized session, you will build the capacity to identify and name disrespectful behaviour, communicate across genders in diverse teams and learn how to have clear conversations about boundaries, integrating bystander approaches, calling in/out & non-violent communication.

To learn more or book a workshop click here.

2) Building individual and collective well-being

This workshop has peaqued folks' interest; many seem to need tools to support the well-being of their equity champions & front-line staff.

This workshop will help participants be better able to:

1) Articulate and identify what well-being means to them
2) Identify and apply a trauma-informed approach to their work & well-being, including concepts of vicarious trauma & vicarious resilience
3) Apply new strategies for maintaining individual & collective well-being

I have been delivering this to front-line staff working on GBV and sexual harassment prevention as well as women's and DEIB employee resource groups.

Here is what a recent participant from the Human Rights Legal Support Centre, SHARE Project said about this workshop:

"ALG’s workshop on Individual and Collective Wellbeing was a gamechanger. It made our group consider how to improve our relationship with our work and each other."

To learn more or book a workshop click here.

Articles & interviews

Here is recent thought leadership and news, also posted on the ALG blog!

1) New Article!
Why the Future of Work and DEIB is Trauma-Informed
In this article, I highlight why being trauma-informed is a non-negotiable in the new world of work, and building an equitable, inclusive organization. You can also find it, and participate in the lively discussion (!) in my linked in newsletter.

2) New Article!
Feature in Canadian Human Resources Reporter Good DEIB Practices
In my interview I highlight the importance of intentional, rather than reactive equity work.

3) New Article! Women Belong in all their Diversity
This was a popular article on my linked in newsletter! I discuss the concept of belonging, and how we need to be mindful not to reinforce a simplification of identity in our gender equity and DEIB work.

4) New Video and Resource Guide! How Organizations can Support Survivors of Sexual Harassment, Exploitation and Abuse.
You can now access the video of our training on the guide, the complete guide, and other useful resources in the link.

Reach out to me if your organization would like us to provide a how-to use the guide session with your team.

5) Participation in the Workplace Strategies for Mental Health Cross-Canada Inclusivity Roundtable.

I had the pleasure of being invited to join national DEIB and mental health thought leaders towards the development of resources that will be made available on the Workplace Strategies for Mental Health site, at no cost. Watch this space for the launch of resources!

Inspiring quote

I will leave you with one of my favourite quotes from Brené Brown on belonging:

True belonging is…the practice of believing in and belonging to yourself so deeply that you can share your most authentic self with the world and find sacredness in both being a part of something and standing alone in the wilderness. True belonging doesn’t require you to change who you are; it requires you to be who you are.

Like these updates? Tell a friend to visit the ALG website homepage and sign up for updates!

Until we meet, take care of yourselves, and each other,


Hi! I'm Adriana Leigh , Founder of ALG Consulting

Check out the ALG updates & thought leadership below and sign up for my email list to receive regular updates on my work!

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